Here is the station details from 2007
Steve Massey, N6TT in Manhattan Beach, CA. USA
My Qth is 5 miles south of the LAX international airport, and 150 foot above sea level. I am 57 years old and have been into radio since 1963. SWL 1963-1966, WN6SSO 1966-67, WB6SSO 1967-1973, WA7ZVV 1973-1974, N7AHN 1974 - 1992, N6TT 1992-
Rig: Icom IC-7800, IC-756pro, IC-706MKIIG, IC-R7100, IC-R7000
FT-1000D, Omni 6+, K2
Scanners: Pro-2096, BC-780XLT, Pro-2005, Pro-95, Pro-51
Amplifiers: 2 Alpha 87a, Titan 425, RF Electronics mobile KW
Tuners: Palstar AT-Auto, Ameritron ATR-30, MFJ-989C
Rotor: M2 model RC2800P-A computerized (installed 1993)
Tower: US Towers 89 foot motorized from the shack, with a 24' pole on top.
Antennas: CX333 @ 111 foot.
3 element yagi WARC @ 110 foot
144/440 yagi @105 foot
3 element 7 MHz yagi @ 100 foot
144/440 yagi @ 95 foot
4 element yagi "Steppir" @ 90 foot
Software: N4PY radio control for IC-7800, TRX Manager, N1MM contest, DXLab,
Monitors: 4 Dell 22" wide screen in a quad configuration. Panasonic TH-42PH10 LCD 52" for TV and monitor.
Paddles: Chevron, WBL non-iambic by W9WBL model V22, Mercury, Schurr
Station designed and built in November 2007
Desk is granite, polished black absolute.
I added 2 more monitors in a quad configuration
The Work Shop and Prayer room.